The ENC community “Return to the Lord” in Vienna is actively supporting two ecumenical prayer intitiatives in the days leading up to Pentecost.
“Austria Praying Together” called for a 24-9 prayer novene between May 21st and 31st, starting with a nation-wide livestream. Prominent Christians from Orthodox to Free Churches, including Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, participated actively in the Kick-off event for which our Vienna media team provided video materials like the production shown here.
On May 28th a prayer live event covering all German-speaking countries will be broadcast from Austria. Again, the prayers of a liturgical act, presented by leading representatives from 5 denominations in one of the largest Viennese churches, will be covered by our media people.
You may join live on May 28th, 19:00 – 20:30 h at