Dear brothers and sisters,
We invite you and your community to participate in a day of prayer and fasting for Ukraine that we are calling:
On the 24th February 2024 it will be exactly two years since the Russian invasion so we are planning a day of prayer and fasting for Ukraine on that very day.
This invitation goes out not only to our ENC communities but also to our brothers and sisters in IPECC (The International Partnership of Ecumenical Charismatic Communities) to which we belong – with the Sword of the Spirit, the North American Network of Communities and the Servants of Jesus Communities of Australia.
We have posted a table on our ENC website containing twenty-four one-
hour slots. The idea is each community that wants to take part on the 24 th Feb.
can choose one slot that they will commit to fill: to pray through that hour for
Ukraine on the day.
We are hoping that all 24 one-hour slots will be selected by different
communities around the world and so the table will be filled in with your
community name, your network, your city and nation. How encouraging for
our Ukrainian friends to see a day of continuous prayer for them and for all
Ukraine on this important day!
Prayer for Ukraine suggestions
1. That people around the world increase their praying and fasting for Ukraine to be successful in her attempts to regain sovereignty over her land.
2. That this would happen with minimum loss of life on both sides.
3. That the faith and trust in God of all Ukrainians would increase.
4. That the world would provide sufficient support – especially the USA and Europe.
5. That the morale of the Ukrainian soldiers and people would be strengthened.
And on fasting for the day…
1. Just eat bread and water all day
2. Just have one small meal all day and water
3. Eat all normal meals but no hot drinks or sweet stuff
4. No social media or tv for the day
Ongoing partial fasting to maintain for 1 month, 6 months or until Ukraine is free…
1. No alcohol
2. No hot drinks of any sort
3. No internet as entertainment
4. No sweet things